Our summer has been a bit up and down this year, but we are sure there will still be a few more sunny days at Lauriston. By listening to the weather forecast we can plan for the warmer days and make sure the children are wearing suitable clothes for being out in the sun.
An important fact to know is that when choosing sun cream, it must work against UVA and UVB rays – blocking out both gives you maximum protection. Putting sun cream on the children before they go outside is very important but also remembering to reapply around once every 2 hours is essential.
Making sure you use enough cream on every application is also key – recent research shows we’re still not piling on as much as we should be, and we’re regularly missing areas like the ears and backs of our necks. It is always better to apply more than you need if you’re not sure how much to apply.
There are also lots of other things we can do to protect against the short- and long-term effects of the sun: ensuring children are inside between 12pm and 2pm when the sun’s at its hottest, keeping them in the shade as much as possible, keeping a hat on them and of course ensuring they’re drinking lots of water too.
It is never too early to teach your children the effects of the sun.